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JTI聽is the third largest tobacco company in the world and of the international tobacco companies it has the fastest rate of growth over a period of 10 years. It was founded in 1999, when JT (Japan Tobacco) bought the international tobacco division of international corporation RJ Reynolds. The company today employs 40,000 workers in 69 different countries and has 90 offices, 22 factories, 6 R&D centers and 5 tobacco processing plants throughout the world. JTI鈥檚 products are sold in 130 countries throughout the world. The company has 9 world flagship brands, three of which are among the five leading cigarette brands in the world. JTI is also a significant player in the arena of other tobacco products: roll your own, make your own, cigars, snus (smokeless tobacco) and pipe tobacco. 聽It combines decades of experience in the tobacco industry with commitment to quality.
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JTI鈥檚 products are sold in 130 countries throughout the world.

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